Specialized in French examinations' preparation : iGCSE, SAT, A/AS-Level, IB, DELF, etc

Experience native French tutor. I can speak also fluently Cantonese and intermediate level in Mandarin. It could be an advantage to communicate with beginners.

BOO, creates inspiring office and multifunctional spaces that provide an environment within which to work, to connect and to collaborate – a union of commerce, community and culture.

One-to-one private french classes/ 一對一私人法語課程 - From Beginner to Advanced level --- for your personal interests, preparation for exams/ relocation, daily business communication, or even to supplement
J教學進修 / 語言課程Jean Francois

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d寵物 / 寵物轉讓doggie.hk

Native French full-time tutor in Hong Kong, mid 30s, extensive experience in one-on-one and private class, French exams. 500-700HK$ per hour

Native French full-time tutor in Hong Kong, mid 30s, extensive experience in one-on-one and private class, French exams. 500-700HK$ per hour

Trilingual, 15 years living abroad, 7 years of tutoring French and Spanish at different levels, home tutoring
Y教學進修 / 補習YannickCJ

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